We’ve been watching the forecast all week and hoping for it to come true and after missing the first wave day before yesterday, we were excited to sit and watch the storm come through as predicted with all the wind and rain.  Mike sat out on the porch for as much of it as he could even though the wind was causing him to get wet.  He never lets a good rain pass without sitting outside to watch and listen, something he has loved since childhood.  That was Saturday and the best news is that there should be more to come.

On Sunday, it rained in the morning, just in time to walk through puddles to get into church.  But we don’t dare complain because, for the most part, all rain is good.  It’s a rare thing here to wish for less of it.  After a couple of storm cells passed through the total rainfall for the last two days was a little over 3.5 inches.

We have not visited the garden for about three days.  When I last walked through there were a lot of squash but they were not quite ready to be picked.  So it’s a little hard to imagine how big the squash are today.  We might be eating squash every night for a while but we love them so that’s ok.  We have a wishful eye on some tomatoes but they aren’t ripening yet.  The pumpkin vines are creeping into the squash so I rearranged a few today.  There’s plenty of room for them to grow if they will just go in the right direction.

It’s an exciting time in the gardens right now and what we’ve been looking forward to for many weeks.  Each year we learn a little more and feel a little less like the novices we actually are.  Thankfully, it’s not all up to us.  We try to provide the soil, seeds and every now and then some water.  They each do their part along with the plentiful sunshine and it is still a miracle each time we go pick up some of our dinner off the ground.


Summer at Branch and Vine


Birthday in Santa Fe