So Much Fun To Share

After a long time of not having any out of town visitors, our long time friends, Brenda and Al, came to see us as they were making their way back to Dahlonega from Jekyl Island.  They have been here before but not nearly so often in the past year as would normally have happened.  It was a short, one night stay but we crammed in as many words and laughs as possible.  

Talking to other people about our lives here and the plans we are formulating for the future just reinforces in our own minds how thankful we are to be here and how blessed we are to be able to enjoy it as much as we do.  This is made even better when dear friends are truly interested in hearing all about our dreams and encouraging us as we go forward.  Sharing makes everything we have seem better.

The change of seasons is always an interesting time here.  We have now seen at least one baby fox with its mother on top of one of the fox dens down the road.  We have seen a pair of Merganzer Ducks on the small pond twice now in the last two days.  The Great Blue Herons are definitely sitting on a nest again over the pond and Mike saw the Osprey over the pond this morning for the first time in a long while.  

As always, these life giving scenes and events would be easily missed if we didn’t make the time to watch for them.  


A Morning Full of Surprises


A New Season…