The Hideaway at Branch and Vine

Sharing is one of those things you supposedly learned in Kindergarten that should be a life skill you use all your life.  What we didn’t learn in kindergarten we saw exemplified in some of our closest friends over the years.  When we moved here over two years ago, we knew we wanted to start Placemaking here.  There was never really a conversation about it but we both felt we wanted to make this into a place that we could share.  The fact that we knew our children and grandchildren already loved this place was an important reason for deciding to move here.  But there are others we might be able to share with as well.

One of the things I love most about our house here is that it is small and it perfectly fits our lifestyle for the two of us.  One of the worst things about our house is that it is small and when we have guests, it is crowded.  For over two years we have struggled with finding a solution to this problem and we feel we have now found it.  

A couple of months ago, Mike and I both came to the same conclusion at the same time that the best answer to our quandary was to find an RV to set up on our property that would be comfortable when we have extra guests.  Very soon after coming to that conclusion, we found an option that was sitting about two miles away.  It did not take long to make the move then and purchase and set it up.  Let me introduce you to The Hideaway at Branch and Vine Farm!

The setting up process was a little more involved than I had imagined but the result seems to be quite good.  It was tested for the first time this past Christmas for family and friends and seems to have come through with flying colors.  For now, we have just thoroughly cleaned and started collecting items that will be needed.  Some of those decisions were easier to make after people had actually stayed in it.  We would both love to completely redecorate it and may get to that at some point but it’s not on the top of our list today.  Some outdoor improvements will most likely be among the next things we attempt.  An improved area for outdoor living is a priority.  

The Hideaway is situated behind our house down toward the pond.  The large windows allow for a view of the pond, the woods and our little menagerie of deer, birds and many other assorted woodland visitors.  It’s close enough to easily visit between here and there but also far enough away to give some privacy when desired.  Some solutions need to come slowly after trying on many options and we are very glad we resisted all the other possibilities so we could settle into this one.  But we are also glad that our indecision has come to an end.

We don’t yet know all the ways we will use this space but will wait and see what comes our way.  There are so many nice possibilities.


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