Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

Petitone School For Boys

It seems that in our family, if any planned activity is successful and fun, it is immediately dubbed a family tradition. I imagine that our homeschool month here with Laura and the boys will become exactly that.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

Milling Red Maple Slabs

A very large tree fell across the street from a friend who decided he would find someone to bring it to us for milling.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

Summer at Branch and Vine

We may be retired but summer here is not at all retiring or lazy. There’s just always something to do outside to keep up.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs


We’ve been watching the forecast all week and hoping for it to come true and after missing the first wave day before yesterday, we were excited to sit and watch the storm come through as predicted with all the wind and rain.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

Birthday in Santa Fe

For most of us travel, has not been a big part of our lives during the past couple of years.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

Spring is Springing

Most of my friends and family already know that I love fall, winter and spring better than summer.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

The Tiniest Big Event Ever

Have you ever looked back on some small event that in retrospect was really a much bigger deal than it appeared at the time?

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

Reflections On August

At the end of each month, I try to remember to go back through all the photos I took during the month and remember some of the days and events which sometimes seem so long ago.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

Dog Days of Summer

Here we are in the midst of the late summer and with it comes the hottest of the weather we will have.  The last few days have been typical of summer weather in south Georgia.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

Midsummer Joys

All my life I have literally rolled my eyes at the thought of summer solstice and the first day of summer in late June.  It was June 21st this year and now that I have done a little reading on the subject, just a little, I feel somewhat better about it. 

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

A Morning Full of Surprise

“When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound I come into the peace of wild things.

Wendell Berry

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

So Much Fun To Share

After a long time of not having any out of town visitors, our long time friends, Brenda and Al, came to see us as they were making their way back to Dahlonega from Jekyl Island.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

A New Season…

Not only is there a new spring season gradually arriving, we are definitely in a brand new season here on the farm.  While I have been completely retired since we moved here in July of 2019, Mike has still been working.  However, he is now also retired.  Sometimes, thankfully, you come to a point where you just quickly make a decision and then in retrospect, fully realize that it was very good timing. 

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs


“I remember longing for what I now have.” Author Unknown

I actually just saw that quote on Pinterest. It’s rare that one strikes me as deeply as that one did. It’s a good thing to remember. We waited a full four years after making the definite decision that we wanted to move here before it actually happened. There are other times of waiting over the years that I remember well. Waiting is always hard and at some point you realize that as soon as you get the thing you have wanted for so long, you start waiting for the next thing, almost immediately most of the time. I guess it’s just our nature and that will never change.

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Marsha Riggs Marsha Riggs

Welcome to the Farm

We are Mike and Marsha Riggs and we live at Branch and Vine Farm in southeast Georgia.

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