
“I remember longing for what I now have.” Author Unknown


I actually just saw that quote on Pinterest.  It’s rare that one strikes me as deeply as that one did.  It’s a good thing to remember.  We waited a full four years after making the definite decision that we wanted to move here before it actually happened.  There are other times of waiting over the years that I remember well.  Waiting is always hard and at some point you realize that as soon as you get the thing you have wanted for so long, you start waiting for the next thing, almost immediately most of the time.  I guess it’s just our nature and that will never change.  

I remember thinking a long time ago that all the work is done in the waiting.  How we wait makes us who we are.  So if you are someone who thinks you can’t live intentionally and enjoy the moments as they pass, I would say that that is exactly the time you should start to formulate the way forward to the things you want and work to have them right where you are -while you wait.

There is another quote that I love, especially during times when things are not as I would like them.  Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Remember this, had any other condition been better for you than the one in which you are, divine love would have put you there.”  I spent those four years waiting for our move here reminding myself of that and it really made a difference.  It made it possible to take each day and live it the best way I could to prepare myself for the days when I would be in a different place.  

All this is to remind each of us that even though you may be in a place that is temporary or not at all what you would choose, that place can be made better by embracing it for the present and making it the best it can be - as we wait.


A New Season…


Welcome to the Farm